Meal plans consist of foods listed in meal and snack formats at various times throughout the day to meet expected needs of a client optimally.

A skeleton meal plan or meal planning tool is included in a nutrition counseling/coaching session.  This additional paid option is a detailed plan that lists grams of protein, carbohydrate, fat, calories, and in some cases, vitamins and minerals.  These work best if history, goals, and food preferences are taken in an in-person nutrition counseling/coaching session.   It also can work if you have completed the Web Questionnaire so that we know what sort of issues the plan is supposed to address.

If you also fill out a food log for Nutrient Analysis, a meal plan can show you a more goal-oriented way of eating based on what you are currently already doing.  The point is to teach and learn new concepts in the attempt at following the meals.  Email or use our contact form if this is a service you are interested in trying.  Pricing is on the services page.

We also offer a week’s worth of calorie-controlled meal plans for only $20 for various needs such as different stages of bodybuilding, diabetes, heart healthy, hypertension, low carbohydrate, vegan, vegetarian, and 40-30-30 (carb/protein/fat).  Additional pricing information is on the bottom of services page.