If you are the technical type and like to see numbers and detailed diet breakdown analysis, this is for you. Fill out a web form to get feedback remotely for free initial basic information. We recommend tracking a typical day or days food intake and submitting it via our food log for the nutrient analysis.
You may also submit a food log via email or use one taken in person for this service. It is $60 for detailed nutrient analysis, which includes professional software analysis and the registered dietitian nutritionist’s commentary and suggestions in the form of a sample one-day meal plan. Turnaround time is at MOST one week from the submit date, depending on our current schedule. Detailed customized meal plans of multiple days, if desired, are charged separately at $15 per additional day over the complimentary one-day meal plan that comes with a detailed nutrient analysis.
You may also try for only $20 a week’s worth of generic, calorie-controlled (1100-4000 Calories) meal plans for various needs including bodybuilding, diabetic, heart healthy, hypertension, low carb, vegan, vegetarian, and a 40-30-30 carb-protein-fat ratio diet (low carb/high protein/high fat). Contact us about these options or send an email to info@nutritionandfitnesspro.com.