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Calories Per Mouthful–Rehash Serving Sizes

Serving sizes.  Arbitrary quantities of food we can measure out to determine the nutrition within a set volume or mass of food.  These work great for people who are analytical and thinking types.  What about for the rest of the population?

I believe in multiple intelligences.  Some people are adept at verbal communication, some are skilled at math and science, some are better at creating new ideas, some are better at organizing, and some are better at learning new ways to move their body through physical space and time such as in athletics.

Not everyone is good at everything.  A person could be really, really bad at catching a ball and doing well in science class but one of the best writers or orators in the world.  They should not be penalized in life for not getting a nutrition label.

Nutrition Facts labels teach to math and science types because they are created by math and science types.  Analytic people.

Nutrition information on serving sizes is only given in one way: via the nutrition facts label on the side of a package.  Other than this, most people do not encounter nutrition information unless you seek it out on TV, the Internet, are the type of person who learns by experimenting on yourself, or you took nutrition in university.  Most high schools don’t teach it in health class.

The side of the nutrition package sometimes gives nutrition information in misleading and unrealistic amounts.  For example, who is really just going to have 1 graham cracker unless mom gives it to the kids in that quantity so it doesn’t spoil their appetite for dinner.  While a serving size is 5 prunes on the side of many brands of prune containers, many people believe that having more than one or two will cause too much bowel motility.

Whether or not this is true, the point is that sometimes you eat more or less than the side of the package considers 1 serving.

Analytic people can do the math in what they ate and convert that into the respective amount of calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat, and fiber.  These same people probably have a food scale that can measure food quantities when the side of the package declares a serving size in grams.

Serving sizes in grams are GREAT for analytic people.  You know exactly how much you get.  Grams make no sense to everyone else in the country, especially the US that doesn’t even use grams as a unit of measure.  People who live in the US are not raised with the metric system or grow up with an intuitive sense of how much a gram, kilogram, or milligram is like those in other countries.

Perhaps this is a small contributor to one of the MANY contributing factors to nutrition confusion in the US.  Sodium is listed in milligrams, for example.

Speaking to the original topic of this post, I propose alternative educational systems that need to be developed that speak to non-analytic people’s strengths in learning.

For example, why can’t nutrition information be listed in units like “Calories per mouthful”?  While a “mouthful” probably really irritates the logical, analytical people in that it is imprecise, it is not THAT imprecise.

It wouldn’t be useless and could be a much better educational tool than expecting non-analytical people to understand what a calorie is, considering the lack of basic nutrition education most people get in the US and the lack of educated nutrition professionals to be able to teach everyone this information efficiently.

(A calorie is basically a point system your body gets to maintain, lose, or gain weight as well as provide energy for activity.  Fat gets 9 points, carbs and protein get 4 points, and alcohol gets 7 points per “gram” according to the system.)

Some registered dietitians teach the intuitive eating concept, ie stopping when full and eating when hungry.  I use this technique for some clients as well.  It is much easier for some people to grasp than the math required with nutrition labels and serving sizes.  Portion/helping sizes are often not the same as a serving size.

A mouthful of pure fat would pack on pounds much faster than a mouthful of protein or carbohydrate, mathematically and bite for bite, but they all have different satiety factors.  Whether or not my idea of a mouthful being a serving size is a good idea or not, the point of this post is that nutrition labels tend to only help analytic people and not the rest.

There needs to be other ways for people to understand nutrition information that do not use math and science.

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What I Like and Dislike about MyPlate

Nutrition Education Tool 2011

Most people I discuss nutrition with have heard of the Food Guide Pyramid, possibly MyPyramid, but even fewer have heard about MyPlate, which is the current national nutrition education tool for general population nutrition guidance.  This post discusses my criticism of MyPlate after a brief criticism of the other nutrition teaching tools.

Eleven Grains a Day, What?!

Nutrition Education Tool 1992 Eleven Grains a Day while I sit at my desk, lolwut!

The Food Guide Pyramid was criticized for overemphasizing grains and not putting enough emphasis on fats, among other things.  It also had a hierarchy of importance of food groups, even though clearly protein and vegetables probably should be higher up on that hierarchy.  That said, all food groups are important for their own reasons.

MyPyramid attempted to divide the base of the pyramid into all food groups and had a base of physical activity as well, showing that all food groups are important.  A criticism of MyPyramid was that it was too hard to understand.

Nutrition Education Tool 2005

All food groups are important, but this image was too hard and too busy to understand for most. If you get to the top of the pyramid, I guess you get less food.

MyPlate came out in 2011.  It was set on a plate, which was supposed to make it easy for people to understand since most people eat off of a plate.  While I personally eat all of my meals out of bowls, plates are still easy to understand and can be thought of more as a pie chart.  Most people understand pie charts.  This is a good part about the current educational model.

MyPlate emphasizes vegetables and is the first teaching model to recognize that you just need “protein,” not necessarily meat, which accomodates vegetarian eating.

What I dislike about MyPlate is that there is no mention of healthy fats on there.  Where do the nuts and seeds go?  I guess in the protein spot.  I always point this out to my clients who don’t need a lot of carbohydrate in their diet due to low activity.  I also think that MyPlate makes you think you need a fruit at every meal, which I do not promote.  If you want to fit a fruit in every meal, you can, but I don’t think it is necessary.

MyPlate mentions dairy as the source of calcium in your diet.  While I have nothing against dairy and promote it as a great way to get high quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, you could just have soymilk, almond milk, or plenty of vegetables that provide calcium.  No one is forcing you to have dairy.  However, if you do have almond milk, realize you’re not getting protein and are basically having a fat-sugar fortified beverage.  If you can fit that in your diet, then enjoy.  (diet used loosely as eating habits)

MyPlate doesn’t work very well for certain segments of the population.  For athletes, for example, I decrease the size of the vegetables portion to increase the size of the grains portion.  Yes, you Paleo fans can make MyPlate work if you use potatoes and sweet potatoes, but not everyone is going to go Paleo, ok?  🙂  For weight loss clients, I sometimes decrease the size of the grains part of the plate to enlarge the vegetables part.  For some people who eat tons of fruit who have certain goals, I may decrease the size of that for them.

Harvard Nutrition Education Tool

Harvard’s attempt to compete with the government recommendations. Drab and requires IQ over 100.

The Harvard Plate shows that calcium doesn’t have to come from dairy, and it also cautions against getting too much calcium due to association studies for higher morbidity risks, such as elevated risk of prostate cancer in men.  The evidence is far from conclusive on that, so I caution even mentioning it.

Harvard also puts oils under nuts and seeds, which is interesting considering oils are processed from nuts and seeds.  Which is a more nutrient-dense source of unsaturated fat?  Nuts and seeds.  Vegetables and fruits are grouped together.  Someone could run with that and not eat vegetables then.  Fruits and vegetables were not created equal.  There is too much going on in this pyramid to critique it all in this blog post.  In short, it isn’t perfect either.

When I work with clients, I tailor a message to them.  I may reference MyPlate to jump start a conversation, but I actually use a different teaching method, one I developed myself, that I feel is more effective for clients.  If you’re interested, you’ll just have to book an appointment with me to learn about that 🙂

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