Posts Tagged physiology

Areas Nutrition and Exercise Science Could Improve In the Future

Someone asked me recently how they think nutrition science and practice will change in the future.  Outside of the ‘let’s try a diet’ like we may try a new fashion choice or hairstyle and other non-science based nutrition diets of the year (keto and vegan are in right now as this is written, two completely polarized diets), there are some areas nutrition practice could improve from an evidence-based standpoint.

And I’m not talking nutrigenomics.  That has a long way to go before it will be evidence based for clinical practice.  I’m talking the basics: how we determine calorie needs of people.  That is an area of practice that scientists and grants should go toward investigating.  I’m saying this 4 years into my private practice.

We cannot accurately estimate exercise expenditure (EEE), excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), non exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), and the thermic effect of food (TEF) in clinical practice.  These, along with the RMR or resting metabolic rate, represent total energy expenditure (TEE).

The most accurate way to do so is to measure RMR with indirect calorimetry, which, while the gold standard, is still indirect because it measures oxygen consumption and infers caloric expenditure rather than directly measuring caloric expenditure.  Then using the RMR, we use an activity factor to estimate activity.

Unfortunately, the activity factors create an estimate of an estimate.  We really don’t know how many calories, with accuracy, someone burns during exercise and how that affects the rest of the equation.

There are probably interrelations between each of the above factors (EEE, EPOC, TEF, RMR, NEAT) based on how much the other contributes to TEE.  Without indirect calorimetry, the Mifflin-St. Jeor predictive equation is often used in adults, which is an estimate of RMR, which adds another layer of estimates to our assessment methods for determining caloric needs.

The current paradigm for weight management involves the clinician assessing estimated caloric needs and creating a deficit for desired weight loss.  As many dietitians and other weight management professionals realize, it isn’t as simple as calories in = calories out because the body has its own thermostats that determine what rate of consumption of calories happens.

We don’t know how much metabolic compensation occurs, let alone behavioral compensation we can assess via questionnaire/discussion.  Examples of possible metabolic compensation that could occur include changes in thyroid production, resulting in hypo- or hypermetabolism: the RMR can go up or down with or without various levels of activity.

Another example is when dietary caloric intake changes, RMR can change, such as go up or down.  There also seems to be a prioritization of conservation of energy toward fueling exercise metabolism (movement and recovery from movement or EEE and EPOC, respectively) than there seems to be to fueling RMR.

This happens in both men and women, but notably in women when hormone function supporting the menstrual cycle is disrupted with excessive exercise relative to caloric intake; however, it is recognized as RED-S now, relative energy deficiency syndrome in sport and exercise, inclusive of men, as it was formerly just referred to as the female athlete triad.

Then, there are behavioral compensation patterns: does someone sit around more, nap, or do any other energy conservation processes when engaging in a dietary caloric deficit and exercising.  How much metabolic adaptation or adaptive thermogenesis occurs, and how can we measure that more accurately than just looking at how it affects weight or energy levels to exercise?

How much does reducing calorie intake impact the intensity and volume of someone’s exercise sessions?  People start to conserve energy during exercise both behaviorally and metabolically.

Current guidelines suggest exercise is ALWAYS a good thing to do throughout all stages of weight gain/loss/maintenance, but considering how many confounding, immeasurable factors exercise throws into the TEE equation, perhaps they will revise the equation in the future and change policy or guidelines to streamline interventions.

That is, maybe guidelines will reflect a better understanding of goal setting for prioritization of exercise or weight management, rather than the current guideline to do more of both at the same time, ie diet and exercise more.

Perhaps guidelines will change to describe what kind of exercise and how much is recommended during various stages of weight management.  Current guidelines are vague and recommend the more the better when it comes to aerobic activity.

It is basically considered sacrilege to not recommend exercise as part of a weight loss program, since it is part of all official guidelines.

Don’t get me wrong, exercise is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body, but it really throws a twist into predicting energy needs and, along with just general activity (NEAT), exercise is the biggest reason for changes in energy needs.

Age doesn’t seem to affect energy needs as much as changes in energy needs occur with changes in volume of movement.  If you look at the Mifflin-St. Jeor Equation and plug in various ages vs various activity levels, the activity level changes are the biggest component to inaccurate estimates of energy needs.

Currently, all we have are simple guidelines like “sedentary, 1-3 times per week exercise, 3-5 times per week exercise,” etc., without a definition of how long that exercise is, how intense that is, who the reference person is for those activity factors (150 lb man, 120 lb woman, or 315 lb man?), whether they are walking, swimming, lifting light weights, or heavy weights.  The activity factor is an overly simplistic estimate of energy expenditure as it stands now.

Don’t get me started on the accuracy of tech devices that claim to measure your calorie burn from exercise.  Unless they are measuring your total body heat production constantly throughout the day, they are not accurate.

I had a cyclist heatedly argue with me that her device was EXACTLY measuring her exercise expenditure.  I feel sorry for anyone who purchased an expensive exercise expenditure measuring device.  You were marketed to.  We don’t have accurate technology for this.

Even a physics-proven mechanical energy estimate will not prove true from a physiological energy cost standpoint due to the aforementioned factors of how the body can conserve energy internally when it needs to by upregulation and downregulation of various metabolic pathways.

It happens all the time when the hypothalamus detects low energy availability and shuts down less important processes, such as reproduction in women, due to all the energy expenditure from exercise.  This lowers RMR to conserve energy.  It also leads to low bone density due to lack of hormone production.

Your heat production can change as a result of exercise the rest of the day.  Is the device measuring you at one part of your body, or all over?  What is that device missing?  How does it determine how many molecules of ATP are produced aerobically vs anaerobically in your body, and how much protein breakdown and buildup must be done as a result of activity, which requires energy itself?

Aside from those issues, then there are issues on the food intake side.  There is a trendy argument on if a calorie is a calorie in terms of food.

The idea is that processed food calories take less effort in absorption than whole foods take, so using a bomb calorimeter isn’t the most accurate way to measure caloric intake from food.

Then there are issues with gut bacteria: certain gut bacteria are more efficient in salvaging energy from fiber that reaches the colon whereas other strains are less efficient.

We don’t know the extent of how much these contribute to significantly varying levels of caloric intake or if they are trivial and academic.

Hopefully, science investigates and develops a better tool for clinical practice so we can have better answers to these questions in the future.  For now, we are left with clinical judgment, theory, and more indirect measures and estimates of metabolism.

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Media Quote, Metabolic Syndrome–What Experts Have to Say

Metabolic syndrome, or Syndrome X, involves central adiposity, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure.  These conditions predispose you to serious negative cardiovascular outcomes like stroke and heart attack.  Many people don’t realize that these conditions are not immutable.  Even small changes make a difference.

In an article by Bonnie Taub-Dix, dietitians offer 10 things you need to know about metabolic syndrome that may not be covered in depth at your doctor visits.  Joey Gochnour quoted at number 7.

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BCAAs–Waste of Money Supplement Scam

Branched chain amino acids, or BCAAs, are synonymous with the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine.  These are essential amino acids, of which there are 9.  Essential amino acids are found in pretty much any source of protein or protein complement.  This includes eggs, soy, animal flesh, dairy protein (casein and whey), beans, nuts, seeds, and grains (which tend to be low on lysine, they still have BCAAs).  Essential means you must eat them every day for good nutrition.

I’m tired of seeing this scam promoted.  If you eat protein, your blood has plenty of BCAAs.  If you are worried about your BCAA level going down during exercise, eat dietary sources of protein sometime within 2-3 hours of your workout or a faster absorbing protein 30 min to 1 hour before your workout (whey) if you didn’t plan your day well enough to have dietary sources.  That is a good time period to ensure BCAAs, or protein in general, will be in your blood.

If you supplement with BCAAs or protein and your body doesn’t need it, your liver deaminates (removes the nitrogen group) or transaminates (moves the nitrogen to a different keto acid, making a different amino acid) the amino acid to maintain homeostasis.  The nitrogen group forms urea, which is filtered by the kidneys into your urine.

The carbon backbone of the amino acid is then integrated into either glucogenic pathways (pathways that synthesize glucose) or ketogenic pathways (pathways that synthesize fatty acids and ketones).

In other words, BCAAs become carbohydrate or fat calories, just like dietary carbohydrate and dietary fat do, and an insignificant amount of calories at that.  Except you bought BCAAs, and your body isn’t using them like that.  Consider the cost difference.  Let me break it down for you:

If you bought a container of BCAAs with 40 servings of 10 calories each, you might get 400 Calories from that whole container, according to the label.  That said, they apparently don’t count the protein from amino acids into the total calories on the label.  This particular item actually has 12 Calories from carbohydrate (rounded down to 10, so that is legit), but 5 g of protein from amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Add 20 calories to that serving size from the 5g of protein, so there are about 30 calories per serving total.  So, 30 calories times 40 servings means the bottle has 1200 calories total, 3 times as much as reported on the label.

If that’s not enough to make you distrust this supplement, this bottle costs $26.39 at the time this post is written.  For $26.39, you could have bought about 10 bags of rice and 10 bags of beans or lentils, or you could buy 5 bottles of olive oil or 2-3 large containers of nuts if you prefer to get your calories from fat.  All of these are much more cost effective per calorie than buying a bottle of BCAAs.

People who tell you to buy BCAAs may be salesmen trying to make a living in the supplement industry or personal trainers who don’t have any human physiology or biochemistry education who work for gyms that tell you to push supplements or lose your job.  These are not people you should take nutrition advice from.

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Calorie Burn Estimates for Foods, on Fitbit, and Exercise Equipment are Deceptive

I would just like to say that I find calorie burn information deceptive and ineffective, bordering on misinformation, considering it is an estimate off an equation even if you are hooked up to a VO2/CO2 analyzer.

It’s like telling everyone to get on a 2000 calorie diet–assigning a specific number to a generic, abstract idea.  These ‘burn’ numbers aren’t exact at all.  For example, in this National Heart Lung and Blood Institute slide show, it says you can “walk leisurely for 1 hour and 10 minutes to burn 400 calories based on a 160 lb person.”

Does that differentiate between what you would have used in an hour and 10 minutes without exercising at all? Does this 160 lb person have 130 lbs of lean mass (18.75% body fat) or 145 lbs of lean mass (9.4% body fat)?

The leaner person can use more calories during exercise because they can exercise more intensely.  At a given pace though, they may burn fewer calories than the not-so-lean person because they are more efficient at that given pace.

Different people use calories differently, nor does exercise “burn calories” as much as it “increases caloric needs,” and is highly dependent on the amount of muscle mass and intensity the person can perform said exercise efficiently.  As I have blogged about before (Diet or Exercise posts), exercise alone is NOT an effective way to lose weight.  Great for maintaining weight though.

I’ve worked with people on the physical training side of things long enough to know that people don’t lose any weight (actually they gain weight) with exercise alone independent of diet changes, especially when people are struggling to reach the recommended 150 minutes a week goal for aerobic exercise, based on the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Is the take home from this sort of message: “Heck, I guess I can’t eat that because I sure won’t ever exercise that much!”?  If that’s the message they are trying to give, then ok, but I think many RDs give out the message of “How does this food fit in your overall eating plan?”  I think bringing in the exercise component based on wishy-washy calorie numbers just confuses people nor is it accurate.

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Health Benefits of Resistance Training vs Aerobic Exercise + Media Quote

I answered a media query on the benefits of cardiovascular exercise vs weight lifting for Medical Daily.  To expand upon it, here’s my take:

Weightlifting builds bone density in the bones of the muscles worked.  Squats can help build hip bone density, but not wrist bone density, which would require stress on the wrist from an exercise such as a chest press or forearm exercise.
Weight lifting is effective for increasing glucose sensitivity (blood sugar sensitivity).  This means that some people, such as a person who is diabetic, may not need as much insulin as usual or that the person can consume more carbohydrate without negative effects on their body.
Resistance training also builds physical strength, improves muscle coordination, and is a stimulus to the body to increase lean mass.  Because of increases in lean mass, weight lifting is effective in improving body composition (lowering fat mass % and increasing lean mass %), which can improve self esteem and body confidence.  Being stronger can make daily tasks easier, makes you more athletic, and allows you to push your body more intensely during other exercises.
Cardio in the light to moderate intensity range stimulates the body to increase overall blood volume, thereby increasing the amount of red blood cells if the behavior is maintained for over a month (the time it takes to remake blood cells).

This happens because cardio can stimulate an increase in overall blood plasma volume, the watery component of blood.  With more blood volume, the density of the red blood cells in the blood is diluted.  The kidneys recognize this and secrete erythropoetin, a hormone that acts on the bone marrow to produce more blood cells to match the new blood volume.
Cardio is helpful for reducing blood pressure acutely.  This could be due to relaxation of the blood vessels due to exertion, a loss of fluid and sodium from the body, an increase in nitric oxide production (dilates blood vessels), or a combination of these.  Cardio in the light to moderate intensity range also creates adaptations in the peripheral cardiovascular system, such as increasing capillary density and overall efficient circulation.
All cardio will increase the blood circulation by utilizing the muscles of the body to pump blood that is in the veins back to the heart.  This is called the muscle pump, and it only works when you are moving.  This reduces the work the heart must do to pump fresh blood throughout the body.  It also increases the stroke volume of the heart–the amount of blood pumped per heart beat.  This can result in lower heart rates due to greater heart efficiency.
Most people can expend the largest amount of energy (calories) with light to moderate cardiovascular exercise when performed to exhaustion compared with weightlifting or intense cardio when performed to exhaustion, which is important when balancing dietary intake of calories.


Light to moderate cardio also does not spike caloric needs for repair as much as weight lifting or intense cardio due to less muscle breakdown, which is helpful for not slowing down the weight loss process (due to increases in lean mass, some people consider the “afterburn”).
To clarify, often people think that more exercise is better for weight loss.  This is not true.  If your body is broken down, caloric needs increase.  If needs are increased while you are not consuming enough for repair, your body won’t lose weight.


Instead, it will stall until it is healed.  It’s like, why would it lose weight if you are telling it to gain lean mass.  Lean mass gains and weight loss at the same time can be conflicting goals that will take twice as long to achieve either goal.  It is important to focus one’s goals.
Think about it.  How many people actually lose weight from a marathon?  Some people gain weight from it.  How does that make sense other than the explanation above?  Back to cardio…
Intense cardio can improve VO2max, the maximum amount of oxygen a person can consume and a measure of cardiovascular fitness.  Intense cardio improves cardiovascular fitness the best.  It burns the most calories per unit of time so is great for maximizing your workout time, if time is limited; however most people fatigue (beginners or athletes) before it would burn an equivalent amount of calories of moderate cardio to exhaustion or even sub-exhaustion.
For me, I know I can burn 600-700 Calories on a treadmill on an incline at a moderate pace in 35-40 min.  If I push myself and do intense cardio (mile time speed or sprint intervals), I burn out in 15-20 minutes and have only burned 200-400 Calories.  Yes, there is an afterburn, but I think that is overhyped.  We don’t talk about the afterburn from weight lifting–we call it soreness or delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
Intense cardio should be performed for the aerobic fitness stimulus and not viewed soley as a caloric energy dump.  Successful weight loss clients use exercise to build skills and use larger volumes (sets, reps, time) of exercise to keep it off after the weight loss process is over but not during the process.


Why would you commit to 6 days of exercise for the purpose of weight loss in an unsustainable manner?  Are you planning to exercise for 6 days a week for the rest of your life?  It’s just asking for an injury.  People who request this are often given it by trainers because it can be lucrative, or they don’t know any better themselves.


Listening to a real exercise professional will save you some money and hard work.  I do not support these sorts of weight loss endeavors.  Diets are there for a reason.  It’s all about the dietary caloric deficit.  Check out the cool graph on this post, in case you missed it!  You’d be surprised how little I exercise to maintain a great physique.  Nutrition is very important, and focused, purposeful, goal-oriented exercise also is very important.


Intense cardio also improves central cardiovascular functions (heart, and forced inspiration and expiration muscles) more than moderate cardio, but it is often more physically and psychologically stressful.  For this reason, I recommend doing it only when you are rested and recovered (from a leg and cardiovascular workout history standpoint).  Cardio will also improve blood sugar sensitivity of muscle at any intensity just as weight lifting will.
If you have any questions about what you are actually doing with a particular form of exercise, I’d love to hear in the comments below.  I focus on physiological parameters to improve when designing exercise programs for my clients and me.  If you like this post, please comment, subscribe to my newsletter for new articles and updates, and share on social media 🙂  If you want to work with me, check out my services.

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