We offer assessments as part of in-person nutrition counseling or personal training including the following options. You may choose to have as many or as few as you wish. These are a great tool to use to track your progress independent of weight changes.
Weight can consist of lean mass or fat mass, so when exercising and changing eating habits at the same time, looking at weight alone as an indicator of progress is not the best for adherence to a program.
We provide:
Body Fat Analysis:
We have all the tools for anthropometry assessment. We use medical grade equipment from Seca.
We also provide blood pressure readings with manual and automatic cuffs for interested clients. These do not substitute for consulting with your physician, however, some clients and physicians may appreciate the extra data. Contact us or email info@nutritionandfitnesspro.com if you are interested in assessments.
Resting Metabolic Rate Testing (Indirect Calorimetry):
This device is the clinical gold standard for determining calorie requirements in patients. The most accurate prediction equations, which may only be accurate 80% or 90% of the time depending on the study referenced, are compared to this device’s measurements.
If you feel you have a slow or fast metabolism, this device can prove or disprove that with hard data by measuring your metabolic rate.
The only input into the device is your breath. There are no inputs like age, height, weight, gender like there are for prediction equations.
Patients must meet initial pre-test requirements such as a 4 hour period of fasting, not exercising for more than 4 hours before the test, and no use of nicotine for an hour before the test. Without meeting pretest requirements, the test will not be accurate. More details on pretest requirements are explained in your new client forms, which must be filled out prior to your appointment.
The test can be billed to insurance for possible coverage. Some insurance plans cover RMR testing and others do not. A fee will be collected at the time of service in case your insurance does not cover. If your insurance does cover, you will owe what fees (copay, coinsurance, deductible) your insurance company determines for the test, if any.