We do a variety of services to meet your needs.
If the listed services do not match what you are looking for, please contact us. In general, consulting rate is $200/hr.
Links below are descriptions of each service. Rates and service explanation are further down THIS page.
Below is an à la carte description of services, package deals, and fees.
Licensed Dietitian, State of Texas
Package Deals and Fees
Premium Services
Nutrition Counseling at office, client’s home, Telehealth, Worksite
- Initial session is 1.5-2 hours, Follow-ups 1-2 hrs
- In Network healthcare provider with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare, Aetna, Oscar, Sendero Health Plans (e.g. IdealCare), MultiPlan/PHCS, Scott & White Health Plan, Superior Health Plan (e.g. Ambetter), Moda, and Medicare. Please see your individual health insurance rates for seeing a registered and licensed dietitian for nutrition counseling or medical nutrition therapy.
- Coverage ranges from full and no cost sharing, to copays/coinsurance, to covered but goes toward deductible, to not covered/denied. In network billing rate is $300/hr. Ask your insurance or our experience with your plan.
- Preauthorization and/or referral via insurance carrier or primary care physician required for some plans, such as HMO plans, BCBS HealthSelect, Sendero–please verify with your carrier (How to check benefits)
- Sliding scale available for self-pay clients
- Includes optional body composition Assessments, if desired. Assessments will take some of the session time.
- Includes complimentary skeleton meal plan and meal planning education. Optional calories and protein need assessment available during the time.
- Includes help in reasonable goal setting, behavior change counseling, motivational interviewing, and accountability.
- Includes optional exercise consultation within the counseling, if desired. Exercise consultation will take some of session time.
- Includes dietary supplement evaluation and analysis
- Includes assessment of current diet
- Includes session’s notes and client educational material. It isn’t expected you memorize everything discussed, so the notes are a significant part of the service personally designed for you after reflection on your session. Not reading your notes/educational material is missing a significant part of the service.
- Optional RMR (resting metabolic rate) via breath analysis (indirect calorimetry) available. This takes about 10 minutes and is an additional charge of $70, unless covered by your insurance.
Personal Training (in-home service): $110/hr
- Workouts are designed to be teachable, repeatable, and goal-oriented. Can be scanned for the client’s records
- Package rates available
- Specialties: Balance/core/stability training, introductory strength/resistance training for lean mass gain and body fat loss, flexibility training.
- Advanced training also available for those with gym access
- Movement and posture deviations, such as those leading to back pain, are addressed with corrective exercise. However, this is not physical therapy
- Includes complimentary but optional body composition Assessments, if desired. Assessments will take some of session time. I use research-grade Harpenden calipers and have trained trainers and dietetics students on the use of them.
Basic Services
Nutrition Coaching and Exercise Consultations (phone or Google Meet webcam): $220 for First Session ~1-1.5 hours, follow-ups $55/30 min (average length is 1 hour or $110).
- Client must sign paperwork prior to coaching sessions and payment is expected 24 hrs beforehand.
- Includes complimentary skeleton meal plan and meal planning education. Optional calorie and protein needs assessment available during the time.
- Includes help in reasonable goal setting, motivational interviewing coaching, and accountability.
- Includes optional exercise consultation within the counseling, if desired. Exercise consultation will take some of session time.
- Includes assessment of current diet
- Includes dietary supplement evaluation and analysis
- Includes session’s notes and client educational material. It isn’t expected you memorize everything discussed, so the notes are a significant part of the service personally designed for you after reflection on your session. Not reading your notes/educational material is missing a significant part of the service
Other Services
Speaking Engagements and Health Screening Fairs
- Speaking billed at consulting rate with travel time and preparation included in a breakdown of bid. Sessions may not be recorded without my express consent.
- Health Fair Screening
- Includes complimentary Assessments and Q&A, consulting rate, unless other agreement reached on dispensing promotional materials.
Interim (between face to face sessions) counseling sessions by phone $55 per half hour, can billed to insurance plans.
Interim (between face to face sessions) digital interactions, including lengthy emails and meal plan monitoring or evaluation $40 per half hour, can be billed to insurance plans.
Interdisciplinary medical team face to face conferencing about patients is billed to private insurance but not covered by Medicare, also charged at either of the above two interim rates if meeting time-based criteria.
**All personal training packages expire 6 months after purchase date. No refunds.**
Please use the contact form to schedule an appointment. Send your availability, what service you are interested in, health insurance you have (if applicable), and if you have questions about the service.
If you are not sure about whether we can handle your situation, send us an email.
Cancellation Policy
Once an appointment is scheduled, please respect our no-show and late cancellation policy, detailed in your initial paperwork packet. Visits cancelled in advance of 24 hours can be rescheduled at no cost. Visits cancelled in less than 24 hours are subject to our late cancel / no-show fee of $75 FOR ANY REASON.
Personal training packages will lose a session. Your appointment reserves a time slot others cannot schedule and downtown Austin office space is reserved by the hour. Clients will be unable to reschedule until the fee is paid. If you arrive late, the session will end on time for our next clients. If, for any reason, the practitioner is late/sick/cannot show, the client will not be penalized. Let’s respect each other’s time!
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
P.O. Box 12157
Austin, Texas 78711
Website: www.tdlr.texas.gov/complaints
Telephone: (512) 463-6599
Toll-Free (in Texas): (800) 803-9202
Relay Texas-TDD: (800) 735-2989